The Raven in Spring – My Review!!
A while back, I read the Hawk in Winter (Rise of the Hawk #1) and gave it 4.5 Stars (Rounded to 5 Stars). I enjoyed the start to the series. I added The Raven in Spring (Rise of the Hawk #2) to my TBR list. Read on for my thoughts!
Synopsis (from the author):
With the Rogue Queen vanquished, the rightful queen sits on the throne! Queen Xenya now must prove to the people that she is the queen they deserve. With all her daughters safe, Xenya can lead the people back to the path Kaelen laid out for the people of Aemonsha.
Maevan is thrilled that her mother is once again queen and in Traven, but doesn’t know what to do with her feelings for Jorgan and her mysterious rescuer turned bodyguard Raikar. Her formerly betrothed, Coran, has banished himself to the icy lands of Cardea to sulk. Although she is safe and well protected, Mae can’t shake the sense that someone wants her dead.
The Second House has always declared they are neutral in the fight between the First and Third Houses, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Antara, the current ruler of the Second House, cares only for power and retaining her lands no matter the cost. Her daughter Meirei is not as malleable an heir as Antara would like. Jorgan and Meirei have always banded together against their mother’s iron-fisted ways, as much as possible. Meirei is determined to rule the Second House her own way and is desperately tired of her mother’s abuse.
Everyone has a destiny, let’s hope they all survive to see it.
What I liked about The Raven in Spring:
I enjoyed the story and how it built on the first book. Plenty of romance, lots of intrigue, and threats to Xenya’s throne made the book flow well and entertained me. The characters, especially Xenya’s daughters, continue to grow and move into new (and sometimes surprising roles). Overall, a good fantasy read!
What I didn’t like about The Raven in Spring:
My only real complaint about the book was Maevan’s constant blushing. It was fine the first few times, but it seemed to be a too frequent event and was mentioned much too often.
Overall impression of The Raven in Spring:
Despite the blushing scenes, the book was a good story. As mentioned above, there is plenty of intrigue, romance, and action to keep you turning pages. If you like fantasy with a dash (or more) of romance, read this one!
My rating:
4 Stars
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