The Merkaba Mystery – My Review!!
Sometimes I randomly select books to read and review. That was the case with The Merkaba Mystery by Iva Kenaz. A different kind of fantasy, but an entertaining read!
Synopsis (from the author):
In the year 1896, a young woman finds herself standing in the river, not remembering where she came from or who she is. The only link to her past is a bag containing a few symbolic objects, including the Tarot cards.
Followed by a cloaked figure, she ends up in Prague’s Jewish Town, which she recognises as an alternate version of her home. With the help of her newly found friends and occasional flashbacks, she begins to unravel her past connection to esotery, magic and places that initially seem unreal.
One day, she meets a young man whom she recognises as her best friend. Through their mutual memories, she discovers that her origins are stranger than she thought, and that one of the first words she recalled, Merkaba, is the true key to her past and future.
Set in an ancient European city with a distinct esoteric history, Prague, and inspired by the author’s curious dreams and visions. It explores the secrets of interdimensional travel, the Tarot, and the Merkaba. Each chapter is symbolically and archetypically aligned with one of the Major Arcana trumps.
What I liked about The Merkaba Mystery:
The Merkaba Mystery was an interesting blend of mysticism and fantasy. I don’t know much about Tarot, but the cards became the thread connecting the story. I enjoyed Seraphina’s journey as she struggled to regain her memories, and Vilma, Dora, and Hieronymus were great supporting characters. The mysterious cloaked character added intrigue and Seraphina’s relationship with Turi provided the romantic element. All in all, good stuff!
What I didn’t like about The Merkaba Mystery:
Although I enjoyed The Merkaba Mystery, I had a little trouble following what location the story was in at any given moment. I also felt the story came to a standstill on occasion.
Overall impression of The Merkaba Mystery:
The Merkaba Mystery by Iva Kenaz was an interesting blend of fantasy and mysticism. With compelling characters, a bit of romance, and Seraphina’s search for her memories, the story moved along nicely most of the time. If the Tarot intrigues you, and the descriptions of Prague fascinate you, then read this one!
My rating:
4 Stars
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