I haven’t done an update on The Gemstone Chronicles in a while, but I have news!
The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian:
My first book celebrated its eighth birthday in August. Hard to believe it has been that long since it was published. Along the way, it garnered an Indie BRAG medallion and a Readers’ Favorite Bronze Medal. Though it has yet to reach bestseller status, it has knocked on the door a number of times, so you never know!
The Carnelian is listed on www.YABooksCentral.com (along with the rest of the series) and has been viewed over 14,000 times! Not bad, in my opinion (though I may be a little biased about the book). Lastly, it has 92 ratings and reviews on Amazon with 4.4 Stars on average!
The Gemstone Chronicles Book Two: The Amethyst:
The second book of the series also received an Indie BRAG medallion in 2020! Proud moment for me to have two books listed on www.bragmedallion.com!
I entered The Amethyst in the 2020 Readers’ Favorite contest and received Finalist recognition. No medal for this one, but still quite an honor!
The book has over 5,000 views on YA Books Central and 26 ratings and reviews on Amazon with 4.6 Stars on average
The Gemstone Chronicles Book 3: The Emerald:
I haven’t submitted The Emerald for any contests, but I think I will the next time Indie Brag opens for submissions and may submit to Readers’ Favorite in 2021. Stay tuned for the results!
As I mentioned above, the book is listed on YA Books Central and has over 4600 views. Amazon has 12 ratings and reviews with 4.8 stars on average.
The Gemstone Chronicles Book Four: The Ruby:
Like The Emerald, I have submitted the final book of the series for any contests. I plan to submit to both Indie Brag and Readers’ Favorite, so we’ll see what happens.
On YA Books Central, The Ruby needs a couple hundred more views to reach HOT status like the rest of the books, but it still has over 3,000 views. If you happen to be on the website, give it a look! Ratings and reviews wise, the book has 7, but all are 5 Star! If you’ve read it, reviews would be greatly appreciated!
There you have my update on the books. I’m working (slowly) on a new book, but that’s a topic for another post! Stay tuned for updates.
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