The Paperback has Arrived!
The Gemstone Chronicles Book Two: The Amethyst – The Paperback!!
The Gemstone Chronicles Book Two: The Amethyst – the paperback!! I just approved the author’s proof today and it’s now available on CreateSpace! It will soon be available on Amazon and through other outlets, joining The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian!
If you get a chance, check it out at:
And, remember, both books are available in ebook format through Amazon and Book One: The Carnelian is also available through Smashwords! Book Two: The Amethyst will also be available through Smashwords, too! That means that you can get the ebook through outlets like iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Kobo, and many others.
Have you read Book One: The Carnelian? If so, leave me a comment here, or better yet, leave a review at Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes & Noble!! I would be remiss if I didn’t thank those who have already purchased my books, read them, and left me reviews. I’ve said it before, but it’s still true: reviews help me become a better author. Help me do a better job for all readers and give me feedback. I truly appreciate it!
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Ch'kara SilverWolf says
Looks like my kind of books will put on my TBR list
admin says
Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing what you think about it!! Have a great weekend!!