Where do I start to tell you about William L Stuart? I was born in New Mexico, which surprises many people. Why does it surprise them? Well, I have lived in Georgia for many years, speak with a southern accent, and love my UGA Bulldogs. Most just assume I was born and raised here.
I almost attended that great university, but decided instead to join the US Navy. I subjected myself to the rigors of Navy Nuclear Power training in Orlando, Florida, and Idaho Falls, Idaho (I know, why did the Navy have a training facility in Idaho, right?). Graduating from nuclear power school landed me aboard USS Sandlance (SSN660), a Sturgeon class fast attack submarine. I am proud to say that I am a fully qualified submariner, and traveled above the Arctic Circle to earn my Bluenose certificate.
After 3 and a half years aboard Sandlance, I transferred to recruiting duty in Americus, Georgia. While in Americus, I completed my undergraduate degree in Human Resources Management. I left the Navy soon after that, and began working in the civilian world. My first job was an electrician for a carpet manufacturer, followed by a stint at the world’s largest candy cane manufacturer, and then I went to work in pharmaceutical manufacturing. I have since transitioned to the animal health world.
First, I married the wonderful, adorable, and lovely Lana over 30 years ago. Best decision ever! It was Lana and her blog (shameless plug time: www.lanascooking.com) that inspired me to publish my books. I am father to our wonderful daughter Laura, and grandfather to Aidan and Maggie. All of them inspired a character in The Gemstone Chronicles.
Along with writing, I also enjoy gem hunting, gold prospecting, playing softball, playing golf (although I don’t play particularly well), and dabbling in woodworking. I tend to read a lot, and I have a wide range of interests – including quantum physics, science in general, submarines, and conspiracy theories.
The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian was my first novel. I have now has released Book Two: The Amethyst and Book Three: The Emerald! The final novel in the series, Book Four: The Ruby was released in early 2014.
The blog section of this site will cover a variety of topics. Many of my posts will be about the four books of The Gemstone Chronicles, but I will also post about my hobbies. As mentioned above, they include rock hunting, gemstones, gemstone rough, self-publishing, submarines, my lovely wife’s cooking (and her blog), and probably any other topic that I happen to find interesting at the time. I’ll post book reviews since reviews are an author’s favorite thing (next to book sales). I hope you will enjoy the varied posts. Come back often to see what new things I have discovered! Suggestions for new interests are cheerfully accepted.
Connect with me:
Connect with me on social media! I’m on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterest. And you can always email me at bill@williamlstuart.com!